KAIST Combinatorics Lab. Workshop
It is a triannual (three-times-a-year) seminar organized by academic genealogy from Professor Dongsu Kim in KAIST Combinatorics Laboratory, which KCL stands for. The aim of this seminar is to bring together active combinatorialists to discuss recent and prospective advances in algebraic and enumerative combinatorics and related areas. The style of talk tends to be less formal.
Title KAIST Combinatorics Lab. Workshop 2023.03 (KCL2023.03)
Date March 17 (Friday), 2023
Venue 5E210A, Inha University
March 17
14:00 - 14:30 Registration
14:30 - 15:30 Invited Talk
Speaker Jang Soo Kim
Title Positivity in graph homomorphisms
Abstract Ramsey's theorem says that for any t, there is an integer n such that every 2-edge coloring of Kn contains a monochromatic subgraph Kt. One can ask the following natural question: how many copies of H are there in Kn? A graph is said to be common if this number can be minimized by taking a random 2-coloring. In this talk we prove that every path graph is common. This talk is based on joint work with Joonkyung Lee.
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Lightning Talks (Up to 10 minutes each for all participants)
18:00 - 20:00 Dinner
Dongsu Kim, KAIST
Seunghyun Seo, Kangwon National University
Heesung Shin, Inha University
Jang Soo Kim, Invited Speaker, Sungkyunkwan University
Jihyeug Jang, Sungkyunkwan University
Taehyun Eom, KAIST
Sangwook Kim, Chonnam National University
Meesue Yoo, Chungbuk National University
Minho Song, AORC, Sungkyunkwan University
Ringi Kim, Inha University
Seunghyun Seo, Kangwon National University
Heesung Shin, Inha University
National Research Foundation of Korea